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Expand ET Experiences: Self-hypnosis Cues, Youtubes, Slides by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D.

Article by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Dean, School of Counseling, Certified Hypnotherapist) excerpted from “Experiencers: Conscious Contactees” Edited by Janet Kira Lessin


Extraterrestrials have interacted with us, the current Earthlings, since 300,000 years ago, when geneticists of the Goldmining Expedition from Planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki) adapted (adding Proto-Sasquatch genes, copper, minerals and mDNA) their genome to this planet to create us as their slave race. Statues, clay tablets and oral traditions tell us many a story of our ancestors traveling in and viewing Nibiran spacecraft.


Ancient depiction of the rocket in silo, astronauts within

We see ETs’ skeletons, advanced technological devices, models of their aircraft, depictions of their astronauts and megalithic structures on every continent, under the seas and in the caverns deep within the Earth.

The wall at Pumapunku, Peru next to their spaceport at Tiahuancu features reliefs of Greys and Coneheads.


The Bible abounds with stories of ETs intervening in the affairs of Earthlings.


Ezekiel rockets to Nibiru




Modern UFO research and documented contactee testimonies give us evidence that any reasonable court of law would find utterly convincing that we have been and still are in extensive contact with ETs and that the Nations of Earth have made treaties of cooperation with Extraterrestrials, some of whom have abducted Earthlings for experimentation, breeding and slavery.

Millions of people from every continent have been in direct, personal and astral contact with ETs on this and other planets, in space and on their craft.





Contemporary Earth governments and the Vatican have suppressed information about their clandestine treaties and ridiculed, intimidated, ruined and even assassinated people who have blown the whistle on our leaders’ agreements with the ETs as well as our secret space program bases and orbiting craft as well as those of several species of extraterrestrials on Mars, Luna and other planets and satellites in our solar system and others.



If you want to explore Alien contact you may have had, get a nonjudgmental, open hypnotherapist. This person shows you how to accept yourself, your subselves, and your experiences.

She or he hears what you say you experience and doesn’t bug you about whether what you saw, felt, heard, intuited, envisioned was real. Your therapist says, “After the trance session, you’ll remember of the session what’s in your best interest to remember when the time’s right for you to remember it.”

You came to hypnosis to explore alien contact, but past, future, parallel or interdimensional lives may flood your consciousness. You may well then relive ET contact you had in these incarnations in other bodies, times and places.

Trance-work lets you recall way more detail of how you and aliens contacted each other.

Again, though you came to explore your alien experiences, you may instead relive military or cult abductions, psychedelic journeys, vision quests or astral trips. The alien memories you access can, in your trance, segue with womb, childhood and adult memories. Whatever you notice, your therapist helps you drop fear, trauma and memory blocks when it serves you to do so.

Perhaps you’ll hear again words and thoughts you and your hybrid kids and ancestors shared as you and they dwelt in other bodies, times and places–within the Earth, in space on spacecraft, on other planets,and in nonphysical realms.

You could remember sex with aliens.

Or merge with the Creator-of-All.

You benefit from the perspectives and wisdom you gain during the contact and get even more benefits when you expand your memories in trance. Inevitably, you give the world the insights you got, still get and will continue to get from alien contact.

Your therapist lets you recall alien contacts at a pace you can assimilate. In trance, you can keep enlarging what you recall. You glean more details.

You see how you and your family members have made ET contact all your lives. You see that contact is ongoing and will probably continue.

You get that you consented to alien contact.

You celebrate your mission in the Big Story.

You end each hypnotherapy session when you’ve had enough for now; your therapist won’t push you. She or he helps you center yourself so you can operate in daily life, honor your ecology and recognize, accept and address the needs of your Inner Child, Internal Critic, Social Subself and Inner Therapist.

Click the arrow on graphic to see slide show.


The great alien contact hypnotherapist, Barbara Lamb, says that how you react to alien contact “may range from wonder, awe, and enlightenment to extreme anxiety, phobias, and sometimes, inability to function.”

Mysterious interruptions in your life, disorientation, confusion, panic attacks, anxieties you don’t understand, flashbacks, intense dreams, fears that you’re crazy, distrust of others, addiction, compulsions, psychic abilities, fears of being left alone or fears bright lights follow you may be clues aliens contacted you. If you fear darkness, if you’re scared of falling asleep, these fears may lead you in therapy, to a repressed ET contact memory. Lamb writes that If you fear praying mantises, spiders, snakes or worry about animal or owl eyes your hypnotist can use these fears as a gateway to recall alien contacts you repressed.

Here’s more hints you had alien contact: you sleep clothed, wake at a certain time each night, feel like you’ve been dropped into bed, wake in strange positions, waken in rooms other than the one in which you went to sleep or wake miles away from your house, or wake up with your clothes on backward or not waken wearing clothes that belong to someone else.

Suspect alien contact if you have scoop-shaped scars, triangular marks on your butt, pus in your navel, fingertip marks on your body, pin-prick marks, lumps near your ear on or on your forehead.

Headaches, pains behind an eye, stiffness, back, neck or genital pain, nose problems, ringing or buzzing in your ears or blood on your pillow may, when you enter a trance, flash you back to an alien contact.

If you carried a fetus but hadn’t had sex, if you had a fetus in your uterus for a few months and then that fetus vanished without a trace, you probably had contact with ETs and should explore this with your therapist.


When you relive alien contact, you may feel again paralysis, you may re-experience levitating, moving through walls and windows, remember beaming up

You might recall ETs on a spacecraft doing medical procedures on you or re-experience Ambassador tutorials with ETs, or training classes you had on a spacecraftt with other children who have become people in your life now.

Whatever you recall, hypnotherapy can help you “assimilate and make sense of bizarre experiences and function well, even though these experiences continue.”


Your therapist helps you relive alien contacts and to see the resonances of the alien experiences in ever-expanding detail even if aliens told you to forget them. You recorded everything you saw, felt, heard and thought. All your experiences imprinted in your biocomputer’s memory banks, some of which has been offline in your unconscious.

You can, with hypnotherapy, relive your experiences and release emotions and thoughts from your alien contacts. You learn to use your memories to better your life and enjoy ongoing contacts with the aliens.

“You have a right,” Lamb says, “to know. No harm will come to you or the aliens by remembering and sharing.”

Reference: Lamb, B., 2016, “Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experiences: How Regression Therapy Can Help”, The Journal of Regression Therapy



If you’re an extraterrestrial or interdimensional Contactor, you may’ve suppressed an inner voice that agreed to your contacts. Perhaps you agreed and forgot you did.

Maybe you remember ETs invaded you and think they did so against your will. But a protective part of you– a primary subself–labeled the contact to which you agreed as “involuntary.” Your primary self may have hidden from your awareness that you said yes to paranormal or extraterrestrial contact.

Sometimes after extensive therapy and maturity you realize a part of you–a suppressed subpersonality, alter, part or repressed inner voice–did say “yes’ to contact. Your social or primary subselves can push your Inner Contactor, a voice inside your head–from your conscious awareness to shield you from conventional people who’d shame, punish, or even lock you away for recalling and speaking of your ET or other paranormal experiences.

But it can be safe now to let yourself to experience part of you that wants you to remember your experiences with ghosts, spacefaring entities, time travelers, and spirit guides as well as your own existence on other planets, in other dimensions and in the past and future. To the degree that you judge it safe, you can remember and even judiciously share your experiences with other Contactors as well as people in the ET-experiencers’ networks. You can, of course, share under a pen name and keep your privacy.

I suggest you let yourself remember such experiences. You can opt to keep your contacts private or share them. You learn, when you follow the cues below, to review and relive your contacts from your Center. Then you choose what to tell and what to hide from those who might freak if they hear what you experienced.

The cues teach you to center yourself, to identify with your Center. Your Center is your conscious awareness of your many subselves or inner voices. From your ever-expanding Center, you coordinate behavior that meets the deep needs of ever more of your inner voices. Your Center takes into account the needs of your Contactor subself as well as the needs of your primary social and practical selves. Primary selves like your Pleaser, Intellect, Parent, Judge and Self-Critic may keep you from the full awareness of the Contactor part of you so you can meet your social duties and not sound like a crazy to other people.

From your Center, you choose the degree to which you reveal or conceal your Contactor subself and its unconventional experiences. You assess how much of your Contactor you reveal to your own awareness and to other people. From your Center you can assess probable pushback you’ll get if you remember and share your contacts. You predict possible pushback from mates, friends, bosses, disinformation agents, military intimidators, religious bigots, and people who fear your revelations. Such people may fear your revelations if they’ve repressed their own paranormal intimations. You decide how much to reveal and how much to conceal, but you can at least let yourself remember.

The cue sequence below begins with an evocation of your primary inner voices. Seek their permission to explore your Contactor. Your primary voices that protect you from shame and punishment may’ve blocked you from either recalling your contacts or may have blocked you from recalling that you consented to contact. You’ve must get permission from your protective primary voices to let you hear the memories, desires and needs of your Inner Contactor. In the cue-sequence, you tell your primary voices you’ll let them stop interviewing your Contactor if these they sense that you’re recalling too much too fast. Your protective voices let you remember enough for you to handle as you respond to the cues to follow.


Disconnect phone, make sure no one can interrupt you for a few hours as you work through the cues. You’ll need several chairs or cushions and an area large enough area to lie down. Wear loose-fitting clothes. Create semi-darkness in the room.


Ask a nonjudgmental friend or therapist–your Reader–to read the cues to you. Tell her or him to give you plenty of time–at least five deep breaths–to respond to each cue. Make sure the reader doesn’t challenge the reality status (ontology) of your contact memories or ask questions that imply answers s/he expects. If you lack an open-minded reader, read the cues aloud into a recording device and play them to yourself. Or read each cue to yourself and take as much time as you like to respond aloud or in writing.

[Instructions for Reader]

Read the cues in bold aloud to the experiencer. Exception: read words in square brackets [like this] silently. The person to whom you read is “the Experiencer.” . Give the experiencer a few breaths’ time to respond aloud where you see asterisks (***). If the experiencer doesn’t respond to a cue-sentence, pause several breaths and read the cue aloud again. Address the Experiencer’s inner voices and the entities s/he invokes respectfully, appreciatively; do not push their limits. Start now; read aloud:


[Center Yourself]

Sit here [Indicate place]; it’s the place for you to center yourself where you hear all your inner voices (parts). I’ll address your Center with your name [example: “Alex” is the name of my Center]. Breathe deeply and center yourself. Say, Center, about one of the main protective inner voices (like Intellect, Critic, Pleaser, and Pusher) you present to the world. What words or labels do you use for that voice? [Example: I call my Primary “Professor Lessin”] Describe this primary voice, the one you call [Use the same word Experiencer did to label the Primary]. Tell what this Primary’s like and what it does for you. ***

Thank you, Center.

[Identify with a Primary Subself]

Disidentify with your Center and move to a new place to embody this Primary–a subself from which you relate to other people.

[Wait till Experiencer moves. when you read the cues, substitute the name (e.g.: Inner Critic) with which Experiencer “Primary” where you see the word “Primary” below].

Hi. Embody that Primary. Say who you are [in example, you’d say, “Embody your Critic and say who you are.”] and the job you do in your Experiencer’s ecology. ***

When, Primary, did your life start? How long have you been around? What’s your history as [Experiencer name] ‘s Primary? ***

Say, Primary, what voices you protect? ***

What contributions have you, as [Experiencer name]s Primary, made to [Experiencer’s name] throughout life? ***

What would you like to be acknowledged and appreciated for? ***

When I ask you, Primary, to let [Experiencer’s name] speak from an inner voice that accesses ETs, ghosts, multidimensionals, visions, dreams and/or simultaneous existences in other times and places, if you sense your person’s Inner Child panic, shift the Contactor voice offstage and again take center-stage in Experiencer’s consciousness.

Thank you, Primary. I liked talking with you. Now let [Experiencer’s name] return to the Center position.

[Return to Center]

[Wait till Experiencer moves.] Hello again, Center. Say what you learned about the primary voice you just embodied. ***

Tell me, Center, about your Contactor–an inner subself–that experiences the paranormal. ***

Move your seat to a new place for your Contactor.

[Embody Contactor]

[Wait till Experiencer moves.] Become your Contactor. As Contactor, say what name your person can call you *** [Example: what I call my contactor “Alexander-Ben-Irving.” use Experiencer’s name for the word “Contractor” wherever you see it in the cues].

Say, Contactor, how you are, what you do for [Experiencer’s name] and what you like. ***

[Contact Events]

Tell me, Contactor, and main contact events with ETs, ghosts, multidimensionals, visions, dreams and/or simultaneous existences in other times and places in this and other lives with [Experiencer’s name]***

Relate one critical contact event in this life, a past life or future life. ***

[Trance Induction StepsImagine, contactor, you descend ten steps a spiral stairway. Each time you exhale, slide your hand along the bannister, go down a step and relax more. [Pause] after a while, step off of the staircase and onto a landing. See a blackboard and chalk on the landing. Take the chalk and write a number on the blackboard corresponding to how relaxed you are. 1-12 is slightly relaxed; 13-24, moderately; 25+, very relaxed. Tell me the number you write on the blackboard. ***

Relax more by writing the succeeding number below the first one. Relax still more by writing the next number behind the first one. Write the next number above your initial number, and relax more. Deepen your relaxation: write the next number in front of the first one. What number do you write in front? ***


Opposite the blackboard, see an elevator which is also a transporter. Its dial shows you’re on a floor, numbered the same as how many years old you are now. Enter the elevator-transporter. Push one of the elevator buttons. the floor number on the button you push is the year to which you’ll descend to access a critical event that might make your person’s contact experiences more accessible to conscious awareness. What’s the number on the button you pushed? ***

Go down in the elevator to the floor/age of the button you pushed. If your person experienced the event in a past life, let the elevator go to the subterranean floors of the building. If s/he experienced the event in a parallel or dream world existence, let him or her enters the transporter chamber under the building, activate the transporter, and emerge in the alternate reality.

[Relive Critical Contact ExperienceEmerge from the elevator or transporter and step into a hall. There, see many doors. One bears your name and the contact experience that will help you remember so your Center can access your contacts. Open the door to your critical contact experience. Go inside a holographic chamber that can let you relive the experience. Any time, you can shift to a neutral, witnessing mode, detached from emotion or you can let a primary subself take you from this reverie if it is too intense for you right now. If you choose to proceed, see, hear, feel, sense and intuit everyone and everything as it was when you first experienced it.

Use the present (is, am, are) tense and describe the contact you relive. Experience and tell me in detail:

What you see ***

What you hear ***

What you feel ***

What you smell ***

What you taste ***

What you sense ***

What you think ***

What you intuit ***

How do you breathe during this situation? ***

Do you get an implant, upgrade, pregnancy, healing during the experience. ***

Do you give ova, sperm or a fetus in the experience? ***

[Speak as “Other” & Other’s Commander]

Now let “other” (one of the beings or people present or implied in the experience) speak with your voice, but not take you over. Temporarily identify with and vocalize for the “other” in your paranormal experience. [Allow plenty of time–take 10 breaths before you read the next cue]. Who are you, being who now will speak with [Experiencer’s name]’s voice? ***

What are your reasons for contacting [Experiencer’s name]***

What mission do you have for [Experiencer’s name]? ***

How does your contact with [Experiencer’s name] fit into a program you’re working? ***

Why did you implant, upgrade or manipulate the Contactee’s reproductive material and organs? ***

What’s your existence and the existence of your colleagues like in space, time, on your Homeworld, or in your dimension***

How is your Homeworld organized? How is it organized politically? ***

Describe housing, family and social relations on your Homeworld. Tell me about transport devices and craft there. ***

Cross-connect with your headquarters. We wish to speak with your High Commander[Allow time]

Commander, tell us through your subordinate who now speaks through my Experiencer’s voice, what your purpose is in contacting my Experiencer. ***

What mission do you have for contactors in general? ***

Thank you, Commander. Now let your subordinate–the one we’re calling “Other”– resume speaking through [Experiencer’s name]’s voice. As the voice of the “Other”, what else would you like your person to know before you release her/his voice? ***

Thank you, “Other.”

[Embody contactor again]

Return again to the seat for your Contactor. [Wait till Experiencer moves back to the place where s/he enacts Contactor]

Hello again, Contactor. Tell your person what you’d like to be appreciated for now and through the years.  What do you want, Contactor? 

Why do you want that? What needs motivate what you want? ***

What else would you like your person to know before s/he goes back to Center? ***

Bid adieu to your Contactor for now. Exit the holo room, return to the elevator-transporter in the building of your ages. Go back in the elevator-transporter to the floor of your current age.

Go past the blackboard where you chalked the numbers, then ascend the stairs that lead you back to right here. On the tenth steps from the top, feel your consciousness start to return to the present. Step 9, more awake. 8,7,6, 5, becoming more awake. 4, 3, 2–almost totally alert. 1–wake up, fully awake and alert

[Snap your fingers; give Experiencer time to re-orient.]

[Return to Center]

Welcome back. Move back to the place for your Center. [Wait till s/he moves]

As Center, what did you learn from accessing your contactor and the voice of the “other” and its commander that your paranormal voice channeled for you? ***

[Identify with Neutral Witness]

Stand behind me and become neutral. Witness the energy from each of the positions–the Primary’s, Contactor’s, and other voices’ seats–from which you spoke as I summarize what each said. Feel the energy of each as I review them for you.

[Synopsize what Experiencer said from each voice]###

[Return to Center]

Experience yourself between your Primary and your Contactor. With the info from your Witness on your current ecology, regulate how much of your Contactor’s experience to reveal and what to conceal in various social contexts. Comment on the balance that seems right for you now. ***

[Own Your Power]

Pull your energy back from me; realize you now know how to conduct this sort of exploration on your own, without my reading to you.


Lamb, B., 2016, “Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experiences: How Regression Therapy Can Help”, the Journal of Regression Therapy

Stone, H. & Winkelman, S., 1998, “Embracing Our Selves”, and “Embracing Each Other” both 1989, New World Library: San Rafael).

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