Great Greetings, Investment into viral surfing of vast, daily internet ocean, often brings about peculiar findings, researching surprises and astonishing revelations, while be blessed with some additional free time. You never know where it will lead, till unexpectedly find your self on some deeper level hooked with potential warnings, inner signs – a conveying direct message. That something hangs out there, potentially in the corner of the space and time, worthy enough of sharing with each other’s attention and active attitude; you would be in agreement, after contemplating accumulated, interesting available data’s. One of these exciting Shakespeare’s discovering moments is this headline of today’s posting. There is guy in Holland with its website where he collects numbers and from different analysing methods, he than proceed to decipher some major earthquake, when these resulting dates and numerological numbers appears as screen oracles. This is his website, video explanation and Nostradamus verses where – we hope – he is actually WRONG : Original French version: Le tremblement si fort au mois de may, Saturne, Caper, Jupiter, Mercure au boeuf: Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay, Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu’vn oeuf. English translation: The trembling so hard in the month of may, Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus: Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Virgo, Hail will fall larger than an egg. He claims that description in the verse above is actually this particular May of 2015 and that some corroborating numbers delivers actual disturbing picture of some event, that would be followed ( if true ) by an earthquake of more than 9.0 Richter scale! You do not present anything similar of these potential time line of the near future, if there is actually no other signs and debris of potential final mosaic revelations, from some other sources. Unfortunately recent Nepal’s earthquake, ”CERN” nefarious activity and machine scientific evil device, ”rapture scenario” in contusion with this latest Dutchsins epilogue: – 5/03/2015 Major Earthquake Activity in the United States — Michigan, Mississippi, Texas – ”2015 – Earth changes will occur in the summer. California is likely to experience a mega quake in July or August. Economic collapse will occur in August or September. Mass protests and social upheaval is perceived in the Fall due to government exposure and economic disaster” – David Knight and Rob Dew break down the sinister purpose behind Operation Jade Helm detailing how it is part of a broader plan to have the military and police forces work together to control the people in times of economic crisis and natural disaster . leaves no room but to conclude that ”something big” on the way is. Weather massive military exercise in USA under the name ”Jade Helm” anything has with this event or not, I personally would be relief when and if – exactly nothing happened – on this date. But you never know, especially if some Hollywood predicting future event movie, again, on the rise is – as this one actually is: ”After the infamous San Andreas Fault finally gives, triggering a magnitude 9 earthquake in California, a search and rescue helicopter pilot (Dwayne Johnson) and his estranged wife make their way together from Los Angeles to San Francisco to save their only daughter. “San Andreas” was shot on location in The Gold Coast and Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The film is slated…