Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interview Dr. Robert E. Farrell on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio ( on Sunday, March 22, 2015, Studio B from 8 to 10 PM Eastern time.
Dr. Robert E. Farrell received his Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from The Ohio State University, his MBA from Western New England College and his Doctor of Engineering from the University of Massachusetts. He is now retired from Penn State University as Associate Professor Emeritus.
Twenty years ago, he began doing serious research for his science fiction series of novels; Alien Log, Alien Log II: The New World Order, and Alien Log III: The Dulce Affair (Fall 2015). He believes good science fiction is based on good science.
His non-fiction include The Science Behind Noah’s Flood; The Science Behind Alien Encounters; The Science Behind the Creation of Our Universe (Summer 2015); and The Science Behind Gravitational Field Propulsion: Key to Interstellar Travel (Fall 2015).
All books are available as e-books or paper books through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. In 2012 his books made “Best Sellers List” on Amazon. He has lectured many times at universities, science centers, MUFON meetings, book stores, clubs, and senior centers around the country, and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows including Coast-To-Coast AM with George Noory in 2006 and 2012. His present list of available lectures include: The Science Behind Alien Encounters; The Science Behind Creation of Our Universe; The Science Behind Noah’s Flood; and The Science Behind Gravitational Field Propulsion: Key to Interstellar Travel.
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In Alien Log two scientists, Dr. Wendy Ahearn and Dr. Corey Newton, are joined in an ABOVE TOP SECRET project under the direction of Colonel Pete Mitchell. Sequestered in a secret military base buried within a mountain in Nevada, the team is charged by special order of the President to decode an alien artifact discovered during the recovery of a UFO that crashed in 1953 near Kingman, Arizona. Time is critical and failure could doom human civilization as we know it.
Wendy is a brilliant, world-renowned linguist. Her passion for music is surpassed only by her love of teaching linguistics of the Ancient Middle East. Corey is the leading expert in the United States on quantum gravity. Since graduating from MIT only three years ago, he has enjoyed his position as lead scientist for GraviDyne, an astrophysics think tank. His passion for UFOs has often raised the eyebrows of his co-workers.
Besides the President and the dying general who discovered it, the two members of Pete’s team are the only people on this planet who know the artifact exists…at least, that’s what everyone believes. Wendy is able to learn what the aliens are up to but just as the team is about to access advanced alien technology through the artifact, it is stolen. The culprit is chased into the desert where he is apprehended and the artifact recovered.
Alien Log II, the New World Order picks up where Alien Log left off, in the desert. During the return to base Corey is abducted. Since the aliens can place a block on the memory of abductees, Corey’s alien captor, Quellin, freely answers any question he might have. During a tour of the mother craft Corey learns many things. For example, he learns the Big Bang Theory is wrong and how the universe is constructed so that remote viewing, telepathy, and past life’s regressions are possible. Quellin explains how hybrids will be used to usher in the new world order and what that might look like.
Eventually, Corey is released and is joined by Wendy and Pete in their quest to unlock the artifact’s secrets. Wendy does retrieve information from the artifact but discovers it is too dangerous to pass on to Pete who will dutifully pass it on to the President. In the end, they solve the problem in a most unusual way.
About: The Science Behind Alien Encounters
The Science Behind Alien Encounters (120 pages) is a print version of the popular PowerPoint lecture by the same name. This lecture has been given over 60 times around the country including universities, colleges, libraries, UFO conferences, MUFON meetings, book stores, book clubs, and senior centers.
Topics covered in the book include the UFO Crash at Kingman, Arizona; A Brief History of Sightings; The Truth Embargo; The Search for ETs; The Sumerian Knowledge; The Deluge; The Great Pyramid of Giza; Contact with ETs; The Amazing Things UFOs Do; Time Travel and How ETs Travel Great Distances; Generating the Gravitational Field; Why UFOs Crash; What the ETs Are Up To; and even, How the Universe Began. An extensive bibliography is presented at the back of the book.
One conference organizer says the following about the book:
“If you can’t attend one of Dr. Farrell’s PowerPoint presentations on the science behind alien encounters, this book is the next best thing. It is based on the best and latest evidence from UFO investigators which indicates an ET presence on our planet. It also deals with perplexing scientific questions such as: How are UFOs propelled? How do they execute high g-force turns without crushing the ETs inside? How do they become invisible to sight? A worthwhile read!”
John White, author of The Meeting of Science and Spirit, producer of “The UFO Experience” conference (1987-1998)
The Science Behind Noah’s Flood
By Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell
The evidence is overwhelming that there was a world-wide catastrophe known as the Deluge (Noah’s Flood). While there are hundreds of flood stories from around the world, in the Science Behind Noah’s Flood the focus is on the Deluge that appears in the Old Testament and is known as Noah’s Flood. Ancient stories such as the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and the older Babylonian Atra-hasis epic are compared and contrasted with Noah’s Flood in Genesis. Dr. Farrell presents evidence that the event occurred in Mesopotamia. Several hypotheses are discussed such as the one proposed by Ryan and Pittman, the one by Dr. Masse, and an hypothesis by the late Zecharia Sitchin that has been updated by Dr. Farrell. He explains what a mega-tsunami is and history of such events. The relationship between ice buildup at the poles and lea level is also discussed. Evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that the Flood occurred 14,700 years ago as a result of cascading ice sheets from Antarctica into the Indian Ocean as the Earth exited the glacial maximum. His conclusions are backed up by the Old Testament; research by glaciologists; recent archeological discoveries in and around Gobekli Tepe; Sumerian “myths” from Zecharia Sitchin’s works; and the spread of agriculture.
The Science Behind Alien Encounters
An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell
Covering topics from cosmology and astronomy to anthropology and ancient beliefs, Dr. Robert Farrell’s presentation thrill and inform not only those interested in science fiction but also those curious about the universe. For instance, what is the evidence that we are being visited? What are the amazing similarities between what the Sumerians knew about our solar system six thousand years ago and what present day astronomers know today? What beliefs did the Sumerians have about humankind’s evolution? Who were the beings the Sumerians called Annunaki? What role did the Annunaki play in this? What did well known and respected scientists such as Werner von Braun and Hermann Oberth say about UFOs? How do UFOs accelerate at one hundred g’s and make right angle turns without harming the occupants? How do the craft propel themselves, change colors, and “cloak” themselves? Is it possible to create gravitational field propulsion? What research is being done in this area? What are the religious implications of ET contact? This is all explained in Dr. Farrell’s lecture. Dr. Farrell has been giving this lecture over 80 times around the country and has enthralled audiences since 2004.
The Science Behind Creation of Our Universe
An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell
During a single event this PowerPoint lecture presents the subject in three parts. First Dr. Farrell discusses the history of astronomy and cosmology citing paradigm shifts that have occurred since Ptolemy. Second, he discusses various hypotheses about the origin of the universe including the popular Big Bang theory and its weaknesses. Finally, he presents an alternative theory which uses the same data as the Big Bang theory but does not violate the laws of physics. Dr. Robert Farrell’s presentations thrill and inform those curious about the universe and the world around us.
The Science Behind Noah’s Flood
An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell
The evidence is overwhelming that there was a world-wide catastrophe known as the Deluge (Noah’s Flood). In Dr. Farrell’s PowerPoint presentation, he references the Deluge that appears in The Old Testament as well as ancient stories such as the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and the older Babylonian Atra-hasis epic. Dr. Farrell presents various hypotheses as well as his own conclusion that the event recorded by the Babylonians and Sumerians occurred in Mesopotamia about 14,700 years ago as a result of the Post Glacial Sea Rise. He discusses want a mega-tsunami is and the relationship between ice buildup at the poles and lea level. His conclusions are backed up by the Old Testament; the recent archeological discovery in and around Gobekli Tepe; Sumerian “myths” from Zecharia Sitchin’s works; and the spread of agriculture.
The Science Behind Gravitational Field Propulsion: Key to Interstellar Travel
An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell
Propulsion by gravitational fields is possible and perhaps is already being done by our military. In this PowerPoint lecture, Dr. Farrell explains the difference between gravitational field propulsion and impulse propulsion such as is done with rockets and jets. He begins by carefully explaining the difference. He then launches into the advantages of field propulsion over impulse propulsion. For instance, accelerations at 100 g’s or greater without harming the occupants allows for trips to the moon in 20 minutes and trips to nearby stars in a few days. Peer reviewed papers on the theoretical possibilities are explained and then Dr. Farrell explains what has and is being done to create gravitational fields in the laboratory. Does the Air Force’s B-2 bomber use gravitational fields to enhance lift? These and other questions are addressed.
General Statements About the Lectures
Lectures are usually a two hour event with a 90 minute PowerPoint lecture, a 15 minute break in the middle, and a 15 minute Q&A at the end. Some can be made into two-class events of 90 minutes each. The duration of the events can be tailored to fit the group’s needs.
The honorarium per lecture is negotiable. They have ranged from $1,200 to $200 depending on travel expenses and the group’s budget. One option some organizations use is to charge an admission of $10 to $15 and use a percentage for the honorarium. If desired, Dr. Farrell will do a book signing and bring copies of his best selling books. Please visit for more information.
Contact information to schedule an event with Dr. Farrell:
(623) 810-5095